
I watched the confidence of staff expand. The engagement and excitement of all students was perhaps the most rewarding experience

January 31, 2021

It was thrilling to see the increase in staff efforts and comfort to have truly inclusive classrooms after these trainings. I watched the confidence of staff expand to support their instruction and assessments. Seeing the engagement and excitement of all students in the various settings was perhaps the most rewarding experience I have had as a school leader.

Dr. Kelly Wood, Administrator

This is what I needed to make my work more rewarding again. It has been life-changing for me.

January 30, 2021

Watching Phyl’s passion in these trainings made me want to find something that I was that passionate about. I connected not only with the content of the training, but with Phyl herself. This is what I needed to make my work more rewarding again. It has been life-changing for me.

Tammy Hulsing, Educator




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Accessible Curriculum and Meaningful Inclusion Using UDL Strategies for Academics, Life Skills, and Social Communication Learn the top research-based UDL instructional strategies for any age or grade level to use in the classroom, resource room or learning center, or therapy setting. Each “Use-the-Next-Day” strategy is aligned to educational standards. For each instructional strategy, you will gain an understanding of what it means, view real-life examples, and the research behind why it is important to use to reach students of all abilities at any age or grade level.

Certificate of Attendance: 5 hours

The Command Center of the Brain: The Importance of Teaching Executive Functioning Skills Executive functioning skills are the true command center of the brain. Year after year, teams wrestle with improving this critical skill set for struggling students. Accommodations, checklists, and reference tools, however, are not the starting point for intervention. These solutions are ineffective if students do not have basic foundational knowledge of the WHAT, WHY, and HOW of executive functioning. Staff will learn how to build a student’s fundamental understanding of an introductory set of executive functioning skills and walk away with simple “connect-the-dots” lessons so that students can succeed, both in the classroom and the everyday world.

Certificate of Attendance: 5 hours

The 4-Step Roadmap To Reach & Teach Students of All Abilities: The Power of T.H.E. P.A.C.T. Learn how to streamline your instruction when teaching any subject, at any grade or age, at any ability level using the research-based teaching methodology of T.H.E. P.A.C.T. See how this simple delivery system of instruction is a blueprint for Universal Design for Learning and a solution for meaningful inclusion.

Certificate of Attendance: 4 hours

Universal Design for Learning Series: Your UDL Quick-Start Guide to Multiple Means of ENGAGEMENT Deep-dive into this area of UDL – Multiple Means of ENGAGEMENT – and transform UDL theory into meaningful practice using the “Top 10 Implementation Tips” you can use in every day lessons. View real-life instructional examples of how to motivate learners in diverse ways to engage in learning. Learn how to offer varying levels of challenge, foster community and collaboration, and support students in self-regulating their learning. The result is learners who are challenged, excited, and motivated about what they are learning.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

Universal Design for Learning Series:

Your UDL Quick-Start Guide to Multiple Means of REPRESENTATION

Deep-dive into this area of UDL – Multiple Means of REPRESENTATION – and transform UDL theory into meaningful practice using the “Top 10 Implementation Tips” you can use in every day lessons. View real-life instructional examples of how learners can improve their comprehension and understanding of content in different forms. Learn simple ways of how to provide multimodal sources of information and tap into the creativity of your students to empower them to create their instructional materials. The result is learners who make better connections and contributions when making sense out of their learning.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

Universal Design for Learning Series:

Your UDL Quick-Start Guide to Multiple Means of ACTION and EXPRESSION

Deep-dive into this area of UDL – Multiple Means of ACTION and EXPRESSION – and transform UDL theory into meaningful practice using the “Top 10 Implementation Tips” you can use in every day lessons. View real-life instructional examples of how to encourage learners to use different forms and methods when sharing what they have learned. Gain insight into the key executive functions needed for students to strategically apply their knowledge in self-regulating their learning. The result is learners who significantly increase their interactions, improve their responses to feedback, and gain a greater voice in their instruction and assessment.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

UDL Made Easy: Create Your Own UDL Handbook Learn how to simplify UDL to reach and teach students of all abilities. This seminar incorporates each of the UDL Quick-Start Guide UDL classes and expands them into customized UDL work sessions. Learn to develop your own “UDL Made Easy” implementation handbook to ensure learning for all. The result is that you will redefine “How You Think” and “How You Plan” using high-leverage instructional strategies.

Certificate of Attendance: 5 Hours

SEL and EF Dynamic Duo Series:

The Power of Teaching Respect for Others

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. One component of SEL is developing social awareness. A primary foundational skill in this area is teaching respect for others. View a set of engaging classroom lessons to use with your students when teaching respect in the area of anti-bullying, being responsible and accountable, using appropriate language, being flexible with the opinions of others and showing compassion. See how to teach students to use comic strips and dialogue to improve the key executive functions of impulse control, emotional regulation, and flexible thinking, when teaching them the power of respect. Explicitly teaching these lessons will significantly strengthen how your students maintain relationships with others.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

SEL and EF Dynamic Duo Series:

Teaching Perspective-Taking to Improve Social Awareness

In the area of social awareness when supporting social and emotional learning (SEL), perspective-taking is a crucial skill to explicitly teach. See how to instruct your students to look beyond their own point of view to better understand what others think and feel. Walk them through a series of classroom lessons to make sense of situations and regulate their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors by teaching critical executive functions (EF). See how to build their lens of “why and how” situations happen before they speak while explicitly teaching flexible thinking, impulse control and emotional regulation. The result is that your students will better look at things “through other people’s glasses.”

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

SEL and EF Dynamic Duo Series:

Creating Social Awareness by Empowering Empathy

Studies show that teaching empathy to students of any age promotes academic success and cooperative learning. This social and emotional learning (SEL) skill area of social awareness is important when students navigate academic and social situations. View a set of connect-the-dots lessons for teaching empathy to identify emotional states, improve empathetic listening, and set up judgement-free zones to build a positive classroom culture. See how to teach learners the best ways to be an effective sounding board when communicating or working with others, analyze and summarize emotional reactions of themselves and others, as well as acting out situations in role-plays to demonstrate empathy. Learn how to improve their executive functions (EF) in the command center of their brain.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

SEL and EF Dynamic Duo Series:

Using “Think, Decide, Act” Strategies to Build Relationships and Teach Executive Functioning Skills

In the area of relationship skills when supporting social and emotional learning (SEL), the art of “thinking” before “acting” is a skill that truly needs to be explicitly taught. In a series of practical lessons, you will learn how teach your students to better focus their brain before communicating. This also involves in-depth teaching three key executive functions (EF) – impulse control, emotional regulation, and flexible thinking – to help learners strengthen relationships when communicating with others. Walk away with a set of “Think Decide, Act” strategies to immediately implement and use with learners of all abilities. Teach your students how to complete rating scales of themselves and others in this skill area, while expanding their ability to justify and explain their ratings for each executive function skill area.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

SEL and EF Dynamic Duo Series:

Words Matter: Building Bridges Instead of Driving Wedges – The Blueprint for Relationship-Building

One component of social and emotional learning (SEL) is building relationship skills. A critical component in this skill area is teaching students that it is not about changing the situation, but rather, changing how we communicate in that situation. Learn how to teach your students to “build bridges” instead of “driving wedges” and that “their words matter,” in a set of lessons which explicitly teach strengthening relationships. Walk your students through a series of real-life situations and scenarios to improve their executive functioning (EF) skills to develop positive relationships both in and out of school.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

SEL and EF Dynamic Duo Series:

Teamwork Leads to Learning

Effectively working on a team is an important ability to teach students of any age. It is also an essential skill area in social and emotional learning (SEL) related to relationship skills. Learn how to teach your students the key concepts of working on a team, including the 5 Cs of teamwork. Preview and review multiple examples of student-generated team norms aligned to the 5 Cs and set up lessons for learners to write their own team norms to set up clear guidelines and expectations for how group members will interact, participate, and make decisions on a team. The result is that learners will be able to successfully write their own team norms and be able to demonstrate working cohesively and cooperatively when making contributions and communicating with each other.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

SEL and EF Dynamic Duo Series:

Teaching Organization & Goal-Setting to Improve Self-Management Skills

The executive functions (EF) of organization, planning and prioritizing are at the core of developing plans and setting goals. View lessons for teaching students how to organize the main parts of a plan, along with the detailed steps of how to get to completion, across multiple real-life examples. Learn how to teach plan development using plan previews and instruct your learners to write their own multi-step plans. See lessons for teaching learners goal-setting using systematic vision boarding in a step-by-step process. The result is building sustained student effort, time management skills, and self-confidence.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

Learning Vocabulary Series:

Get It to Resonate and Stick: Research-Based Strategies to Teach Vocabulary

Whether you are teaching reading, writing, or supporting your students when they are communicating their ideas, vocabulary should be a part of daily instruction. Learn the “what, why, and how” of the top research-based strategies for teaching vocabulary using multisensory learning techniques. View how to rate a set of vocabulary words from easy to more difficult, to help you sequence your vocabulary instruction, using a Concrete-to-Abstract Rating Scale. See how to build “word consciousness” with your students and use imaginative tips and tricks to build word knowledge.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

Reading to Learn Series:

Dive into the Sea of Knowledge with Research-Based Strategies to Teach Reading Comprehension

Comprehension strategies help readers build understanding, overcome difficulties in comprehending a text, and compensate for weak knowledge related to the text.
Learn quick and easy strategies to add to your literacy toolkit to improve reading comprehension for learners of all ages. See real-life examples of chapter previews and summaries to decrease cognitive load, how to embed study guide question-and-answer sets for literacy study guides, and use creative templates and materials to engage with the text. Learn how to successfully you’re your students develop the knowledge, skills, and experiences they must have to become enthusiastic readers.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

Empowering the Para Instructional support staff have multiple roles and responsibilities – ranging from using instructional strategies and managing behavior to working with learners with disabilities. Whether a one-on-one support or a classroom aid, it is essential to train paraprofessional support staff in understanding how the brain learns, understands, processes, and expresses language to best support students. Learn practical “Important to Know” strategies for the top 5 brain-based skills that paraprofessionals need to support in the areas of attention, processing speed, language skills, memory, and logic and reasoning. The result is that support staff will have tailor-made solutions to assist them with helping instead of hovering.

Certificate of Attendance: 4 Hours

Communication Series:

The Leading Strategies for Teachers to Use with AAC Users to Increase Meaningful Participation

Creating an inclusive environment for students with special needs, including those using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems, can be very challenging for educators. See how to put into action game-changing strategies that will meet the needs of all learners. Learn how to create various types of accessible instructional walls, increase active learning and participation through lesson role assignments, enable all learners to publish their own portfolios, and build their confidence when answering questions in class. View the research-based underpinnings behind these strategies to ensure meaningful inclusion.

Certificate of Attendance: 1 Hour

The ImPACT of “Connect-the-Dots” Differentiated Instruction for Learners on the Autism Spectrum

Learn how to provide a staircase of instruction to teach learners on the autism spectrum in the area of academics, life skills, and social communication. View examples from preschool to school-to-work settings on how to build strong vocabulary skills, create “reading-to-learn” opportunities, set up adapted writing lessons, and increase meaningful participation in formal speaking roles.

Certificate of Attendance: 6 hours

The Missing Piece to Teaching Social Communication to Learners of All Abilities Discover how to systematically teach social communication skills related to conversation skills, appropriate behaviors, Wh-questions, and more. See how to turn stand-alone literacy-based social supports & scripts into comprehensive units of instruction.

Certificate of Attendance: 6 hours

Had trouble sleeping last night because my mind was swimming with ideas!

January 31, 2021

I really enjoyed the workshop and had trouble sleeping last night because my mind was swimming with ideas! I used to get overwhelmed with planning, but now I can develop inclusive plans that are functional and manageable.

Paula Marini, Educator

I was totally absorbed in your presentation. FABULOUS!

January 31, 2021

I just wanted to say thank you for all of the knowledge and energy you imparted to us in this seminar. I’m not a great workshop attendee, but I was totally absorbed in your presentation. The “synonym” for Phyl is “FABULOUS!”

Nancy Schakinger, Educator

Delivered with great deal "of heart!" gleaned from years of field and research experience.

January 31, 2021

Your presentation style was beautifully organized, delivered with dynamic fervor and, of course, a great deal “of heart!” gleaned from your extensive knowledge base and years of field and research experience.

Marcia Zurich-Thompson, Speech-Language Pathologist

Nice balance of theory, evidence-based practice, and hands-on practical tips! Your passion is infectious.

January 3, 2021

There was such a nice balance of theory, evidence-based practice, and hands-on practical tips! Your passion is infectious.

Sadie MacKillop, Special Educator

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