Price: $29.99
Every Child Can Learn: Your Roadmap to Inclusive Education
by Author, Phyl Macomber
International Education Specialist and Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
Every Child Can Learn is a research-based “How-To” guide for teaching students of all abilities – from gifted to special needs – and has been referred to as “common sense education” by educators from around the globe. The book outlines lesson after lesson, from preschool to high school, across a wide cross-section of subject areas. It provides a blueprint of practical “use-the-next-day” Universal Design for Learning strategies to solve everyday problems in education for differentiated instruction and meaningful inclusion.
The book’s 4-step, easy to use roadmap has been proven to successfully bridge the gap between special education and general education. In addition to viewing connect-the-dots lessons for academics, Every Child Can Learn also provides step-by-step examples of how to use these strategies in special education and therapy services, along with teaching a growth mindset, building leadership skills, setting up summer services, and implementation in homeschooling for families. The immediate result is simplifying learning, which in turn, simplifies teaching.
When “too much” feels like too much! Every Child Can Learn brings clarity!
Every Child Can Learn pulls together perspectives of parents, educators, administrators and specialists, and highlights their experiences with T.H.E. P.A.C.T. This framework truly does walk you through how to think about what is most important for a child to learn (at any age), how to create a routine that is exciting but predictable (reducing cognitive load on students who are already carrying SO MUCH) and increases independent learning for ALL. Give it a chance and it truly can transform an individual learning plan, a classroom, a school, and educational systems overall.
A must read for every educator!
In this book, readers will learn easy-to-implement strategies that when implemented during instruction, allow every child to master the content. These strategies work with learners of all ages and in any learning environment. Great for homeschoolers, public school and private school educators, charter school educators, therapeutic environments, and more. Once read about, these strategies can be implemented immediately. Administrators can learn how strategic planning facilitates consistent implementation across grade levels and between schools within a district. Administrators will also learn how when teachers implement the strategies found in Every Child Can Learn, teacher evaluations are easier to conduct. A must-have for every educator!!!
Strategies to put in place immediately with any age
Every Child Can Learn is written by experts in the field of education, administration, and even parenting. As a teacher, I have had several students in the past that I struggle to connect with and engage in meaningful learning. By implementing strategies outlined in this book, I saw an immediate change in students that had been struggling learners for a long time. I highly recommend this book!
This book is for ALL learners!
Every Child Can Learn is a comprehensive strategy to assist educators, special educators, parents, and everyone create a positive, EASY, learning environment for learners of ALL abilities. Awesome writing, great visuals, easy-to-use methods for curriculum plans on day one!
A Must Read for all educators and parents!
Every Child Can Learn is an amazing read for every educator. Each chapter focuses on different aspects of education . Administrators can benefit from first hand accounts of evaluating teachers and finding out what to look for to ensure the most out of the observation! Everyone has something they will take away with them from this book! A definite must read!!
Price: $49.99
The Power of T.H.E. P.A.C.T: The Solution to Adapting the Curriculum
by Author, Phyl Macomber
International Education Specialist and Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
This book is a research-based roadmap for teaching anything to any learner of any ability or age. This pre-K through graduation instructional framework outlines a “one size does not fit all solution” to simplify teaching, which in turn simplifies learning. T.H.E. P.A.C.T., which stands for Technology Helps Easy & Practical Adapted Curriculum Teaching, consists of four easy-to-design-and-use modules titled Learn About, Read About, Write About, and Talk About – each aligned to educational standards. This language-based framework is a blueprint for Universal Design for Learning and differentiated instruction. This easy-to-implement teaching approach solves the problem of having to reinvent the wheel to meet each student’s needs in any classroom.
This should be implemented for all students in regular ed classrooms to enhance study skills
T.H.E. P.A.C.T. is an amazing tool that is beyond the intended audience of special education. It should be implemented for all students in regular ed classrooms to enhance study skills and gain strategies to be a learner. It is clearly considered to be ‘best teaching practices.
Phyl 'walks the walk' and her credibility is very high as she speaks from experience.
Phyl’s passion is infectious. Phyl ‘walks the walk’ and her credibility is very high as she speaks from experience. Phyl’s corporation title – Make A Difference, Inc. – says it all!
For ALL students in a comprehensive and easy manner
Learning about T.H.E. P.A.C.T. gave me new motivation and clearly shows the ‘how to do whatever needs to be done’ for ALL students in a comprehensive and easy manner.
Designed with empirical evidence about optimal instruction and learning
Each module of T.H.E. P.A.C.T. has been designed with empirical evidence about optimal instruction and learning, and the results are proof positive.
Brings differentiated instruction to a great new level!
T.H.E. P.A.C.T. brings differentiated instruction to a great new level!